What is a BruinCard?

The BruinCard is UCLAs official identification card used to confirm your student status and assist you with multiple campus services. 

You’ll use your BruinCard in the following ways:

  • Official University ID used to verify your identity for campus events, UCLA department services, school exams and applicable university promotions and discounts
  • Debit card feature lets cardholders make purchases at any BruinCard merchant, purchase textbooks, food, printing, pay for laundry and more; make deposits online, in the BruinCard office, or at a BruinCard machine on campus
  • Library card used to access computers, books and late-night study sessions
  • Gym pass for entry into gym and recreation facilities
  • Meal card to allow entry into dining halls; use your Housing meal plan or BruinCard funds to pay
  • Building access card allowing entry into locations you have authorization to access, e.g. your residence hall and, in some cases, your room
  • Laundry card for machines in on-campus residence halls and University Apartments


Getting Your BruinCard

First-time Cardholders

Incoming students for the fall should submit their BruinCard photo by July 1, 2025 to receive a BruinCard during their new student orientation session.

 To submit your photo:

  • Visit the BruinCard photo submission portal
  • Submit a passport-quality photo with a plain white background. You’ll receive a completion email 1-2 business days later stating whether your photo was approved. If your photo is rejected, you can resubmit your photo as needed.

While you are encouraged to submit your photo online by July 1, please do not visit the BruinCard office or schedule an appointment before your orientation session. If you cannot obtain your card during orientation, you can schedule a BruinCard appointment after September 1, 2025.

If You Already Have a BruinCard

  • If you have a BruinCard from attending a UCLA Summer Session, you can continue to use that card as a regular UCLA student.
  • If you have a BruinCard from a different affiliation with UCLA (e.g. healthcare volunteer badge, UCLA Extension student) and your previous card has been unused for one year or more, your card will be considered a first-time BruinCard.
  • If you want to exchange your current BruinCard for a new one and retake your photo, you can schedule a BruinCard appointment after September 1, 2025.
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